• info@christianhomeschoolersofhawaii.org
  • 808 664-9608

Olelo Paipai

Crafting a Homeschool Vision Statement

How is your summer going? Have you been able to get out and enjoy the sunshine? With a busy baseball spring over and ocean temps back to within reason for this spoiled Hawai’i girl, the beauty of God’s creation calls. Once again, this summer I’ve made it a personal goal to get myself to the

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Words of Encouragement

This section of the website will feature words of encouragement about homeschooling. That is what Olelo Paipai means. Follow along as we journey together discipling our keiki. — Dan Mather

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Standing in Solidarity from Generation to Generation

It has been said, but let’s say it again! Thank you to everyone who emailed, sent letters, made phone calls, testified, and sent alerts out to parents and friends regarding the Senate resolutions. The battle against our homeschooling freedoms will continue, but it is good to rejoice and reflect in the recent win. The homeschool

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Easter Traditions

Easter, like Christmas, is a holiday filled with expectation. I find myself piling up my plate of to-do’s just like my Easter Sunday potluck plate. A day set aside to celebrate our risen Lord should not add to the chaos of our lives, but sometimes it does. Why? Some of it is self-inflicted, much stems from a

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Winter is fading – Spring is coming!

How are you doing homeschoolers? You’ve made it to the second half of the school year! Whether you’re where you want to be in your school calendar or not, you’ve made it to the beginning of the end. For my family, the month of February starts a long stretch of time without many breaks. Coming

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Homeschool Legal Defense Association

Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) is the nation’s largest, most trusted homeschool advocacy organization. ...

National Home Education Research Institute

NHERI conducts and collects research about homeschooling (home-based education, home schooling), and publishes the research j

Homeschool Backgrounder

Homeschooling Backgrounder is a resource for policy makers and journalists. We provide information they will want to know ...

Homeschool Freedom

HOMESCHOOL FREEDOM is… More than homeschool-friendly laws. It is the ability to make education choices that are best ...