• info@christianhomeschoolersofhawaii.org
  • 808 664-9608

Standardized test scores are only required for grades 3, 5, 8, and 10

“I received a letter from the school, informing me that test scores are required for grades 3-6? I’m pretty sure the Chapter 12 Rule says test scores are required for grades 3, 5, 8, and 10. What should I do?”

Now that’s a good question!

You are correct – standardized test scores are only required for grades 3, 5, 8, and 10.

Often times however, the public school will send a letter to the homeschool family reminding them that the annual report is due by the end of May (or a specific date is given). The letter may also inform the parent that test scores are required for certain grades and that the homeschool student can test at the public school.

So, what should you do?

  • Know the homeschool law, Chapter 12 Compulsory Attendance Exceptions, “Section 8-12-18 Testing and progress reports of homeschooled children.
    • Test scores are required for grades 3, 5, 8, and 10.
    • The child can participate in the testing program at the local public school or the parents can arrange for private testing at their own expense.
    • Tests must be criterion or norm-referenced tests. (The Iowa Assessments and Stanford Achievement Test are norm-referenced tests.)
  • Contact Christian Homeschoolers of Hawaii (info@christianhomeschoolersofhawaii.org)
    • If you need help, CHOH can assist you with your response to the school.
    • CHOH will also contact the DOE homeschool liaison so any misinformation from the school can be corrected.
  • Respond to the school in writing so there is a paper trail.
    • Cite Section 8-12-18. While the annual report is due yearly, it does not give a date as to when the report must be submitted. Homeschool students are not required to follow the DOE public school calendar. Provide a date, e.g. the month and school year when you intend to submit your annual report.
    • If the school is requesting test scores other than grades, 3, 5,8, and 10, refer again to Section 8-12-18.
      FYI, according to the Hawaii State Depart of Education, public school students are tested with the Smarter Balance Assessments.
      “The Smarter Balanced Assessments (SBA) in mathematics and English Language Arts/Literacy (ELA) are aligned to the Hawaii Common Core Standards, and designed to measure whether students are “on track” for readiness in college and/or career. These are mandatory assessments given to students in grades 3-8 and 11.”
      This requirement does not apply to Chapter 12 homeschool students.

The Chapter 12 Rule may need some updates and clarification in its language, but the current law still holds. Any changes, would need to be submitted to the Board of Education. Public hearings would also have to be held before any changes are finalized.

God is good! He has provided Hawaii a homeschool law that protects you in your homeschooling journey. Let us trust Him and give Him the glory.

In His grace